The numbness below her waist was a
sharp reminder,
Thoughts poured in like strong waves
of water;
Fuelled by the wailing silence in the theatre.
Who will walk a mobility impaired down
the aisle;
Even though the night out with him
caused her to wake late?
Can the boss retain a one-legged
Even though she boarded the bike to
avoid getting to work late?
The gory accident scene came again in
a flash…
The bike man died almost before the
She remembered the doctor’s voice, devoid
of emotion;
When he announced her leg would
be amputated.
The sorrowful silence wailed louder,
As she struggled with the anaesthetic
Mentally fighting her way back to
Familiar footsteps clip clopped
towards her.
And she managed to lift her heavy eye
lids laden with tears.
“Sorry, we have made a bit of a mistake,”
Came the doctor’s piercing voice.
“We amputated the wrong leg!”